Roasting a turkey is certainly more of a preference or a tradition than it is a recipe in my opinion. But is is something anyone can make.
I have made roast turkey many, many different ways. Brined, not brined, Gordon Ramsay’s bacon strips all over the top, fresh herbs under the skin, you name it. For me, it’s starting with a really good turkey from a turkey farm. If you don’t have one close by or don’t want to wait in the long lines to pick up, you can get a decent quality one at your local grocery store. Whole Foods brand has a great organic turkey that I have had that was very good.
This year I only had time to go to the grocery store, so I bought a Shady Brook Farm turkey.
Prepping and Cooking the Turkey
I brought it out to get to room temperature. I salt and pepper the inside cavity, put some garlic pepper and some parsley in the cavity as well. Then I added some chunks of carrots, onion, celery, two bay leaves and two quarter pieces of lemon.
For the outside, I separate the skin from the meat on the breast. I put some salt and pepper, garlic pepper and added some dried parsley. You can also add fresh parsley, or any other herbs you like. I just put the seasonings in my hands and massage it under the skin.
I put the oven on 450 degrees F and this year I oiled the bird with some grapeseed oil to aid in getting the skin crispy. I would never do that again because I came into the kitchen and the whole kitchen was smoke from the oil dripping in the dry pan. I roasted for about 45 minutes on the high heat.
I then tented the breast with a little foil and added some chicken or turkey stock and carrots, celery, onions and fresh parsley to the bottom of the turkey pan. Keep checking it and adding more stock so it doesn’t dry completely out and burn. That is your gravy base and you don’t want burnt tasting gravy. Turn down the oven to 325 degrees F.
I insert my Thermoworks Chef Alarm thermometer. It allows me to see the temperature of the breast without constantly opening up the oven and using an instant read one. If you make a lot of roasts, this is a must in the kitchen. It can be used on the grill, oven or deep frying.
When the breast meat indicates its done, I check the thigh joint and legs with a Thermopen.
The breast meat should read: 160 degrees F.
The thigh should read: 175 degrees F.
Once out of the oven, tent with the long aluminum foil and let it rest for minimum 30 minutes. The temp should go up about 5 degrees.
A turkey is dome when the breast is 165 degrees F.
I would not let the breast temperature get over 165 degrees F or your meat will be dried out.
Turkey Gravy
I always make turkey gravy at least the day before, just in case drippings in the pan don’t pan out when turkey cooks in the oven. This year I got super delicious gravy from the roasted turkey, but you never know so its good to have a stand by.
The day before, I roast some turkey wings with some carrots, onions, celery and a couple cloves of garlic. When wings are deep and dark in color, take the whole pan and put in a pot to fit them along with chicken stock until covered (its OK if its not completely covered). Cook until meat falls off the bone. Strain the liquid from the solids and discard the solids. I thicken gravy with a little cornstarch slurry until you get the consistency you like. This year, I couldn’t find turkey wings so I used turkey thighs. Wings are better because there is more surface to get browned. And browning is flavor.
I also make Butternut Squash the day before. It keeps well and can be reheated easily.
I never make mashed potatoes ahead of time as I don’t care for the taste that day old potatoes have.

Roast Turkey
16 lb turkey
Fresh parsley
Salt and Pepper
Garlic Pepper
2 quarters lemon
2 stalks celery, cut into chucks
2 carrots, cut into chunks
2 small onions, peeled and quartered
Wash and dry turkey.
Sprinkle salt and pepper and garlic pepper seasoning in the cavity. Add two quarters lemon, 1 carrot, cut into chunks, one small onion peeled and cut into chucks and one stalk celery cut into chunks into the cavity.
Separate the skin from the breast and add salt and pepper, garlic pepper and parsley.
Tie legs together to close the cavity as best as you can.
Put turkey on rack in a roasting pan.
Roast on 450 degrees F for about 45 minutes.
Turn oven down to 325 degrees F and roast until breast is 155 degrees F. Thigh should be 165 degrees F.
Remove from oven, tent with aluminum foil and let rest at least 30 minutes. Temperature should rise 10 degrees.
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