I don’t know about you, but as an avid outside gardener, by January-February I get the Winter blues. I look out at the baron gardens all covered with snow and hope Spring gets here FAST! This is the time of year I make frequent visits to greenhouses if not for anything else, but just to walk around and soak in the warmth and the smell of the plants.
I had always hoped for my own greenhouse, and although I’m sure its completely doable, I’ve just never got one. I think to concept of putting it together is a nightmare. I wish they would offer the service of assembly. I wouldn’t mind at all paying for that!
So, I get in the car and visit the various greenhouses in my area. I usually come home with a few plants or herbs to put on the windowsill. My herbs never seem to grow very well in the house, so I have to keep buying new ones. God do I miss growing season especially my herbs. My herb garden is located right outside my back door. There’s nothing like going out and picking the exact herb I need for a recipe.
Some of the herbs I grow are:
Bay Leaf
Lemon Balm
To name a few…..
There are loads of benefits to growing herbs besides convenience. The flowers on herbs attract butterflies, bees, and other pollinators.
Herbs grow just as easily in containers as they do in the ground. Some herbs are invasive so they are best grown in containers. You can also put the container in the ground. Those herbs are mint, oregano, and chives. I have had to replant mint many times to try and keep it where I want. But the rewards are great. Mint is great to add to recipes and for Mojitos!
I also grow a few varieties of tomatoes. They are easily grown in containers and I put them on the pool deck so the animals don’t get at them. It’s super sunny up there and they grow beautifully. I’ve tried to grow in the ground but have to fence the area and it’s a pain.
Since it is now Winter, I guess I am going to have to settle for a visit to the greenhouse and get a few new houseplants. At least I will have more to put outside in the good weather on the porch!
Winter Gardening Blues?

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