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Pies and Tarts

The Village PieMaker Apple Pie

I don’t usually post frozen pies but I think this is an exception. I bought this frozen pie at my grocer the other day. I decided to bake it…

Mini Peach Crisp

I just got some beautiful peaches at Costco, and although I love to just enjoy eating them, I decided to try making a peach crisp. Since I was the…

Fool Proof Pie Crust

Some people just don’t get along with pie crusts or anything rolled out. I used to be one of them. So I was always looking for recipes for pie…

Crisp Apple Strudel

This crisp apple strudel is the best you have ever tasted! Crispy pastry, warm apple spicy filling with a sweet drizzle of icing on top. Perfect any time of…

Apple Hand Pies

These hand pies are perfect for lunch time, snack time, anytime… The filling is precooked assuring a perfectly balanced and perfectly cooked filling.…