This year as in past years, I got some great Amaryllis bulbs at my garden center. I planted in mid November so they would bloom just in time for Christmas. Like clockwork they were in bloom for Christmas!
After the amaryllis finishes blooming:
Cut back the flower stalk to about 1-2 inches above the bulb, but leave the foliage intact.
Continue watering and fertilizing the plant as you would a houseplant, allowing the leaves to grow and replenish the bulb’s energy.
You can move the plant outdoors in the pots during the warmer months, if possible, to further encourage healthy growth.
Then in late summer or early fall, gradually stop watering and move the plant to a cool (about 40-55 degrees F), dark place to induce a dormancy period for it to rebloom next year.
Dormancy is approx. 6-8 weeks, but you can leave in a little longer depending when you want your Amaryllis to bloom. This past year I started watering around mid November and had blooms in time for Christmas.
Please note: All Amaryllis have different blooming times. Check you particular variety to see when to take out of dormancy so they will bloom at the time you want them to. I would put a wooden stick in each so you know what variety is what and bloom time for that particular variety.
Make sure you pot in a heavy pot. Amaryllis can get pretty tall depending on the variety you choose and will bet top heavy. The pot should be about 1 inch wider than the bulbs widest part. They like to be “cozy” in the pot. Make sure your pot has drainage holes. You want to plant so the top third of the bulb is above the soil. This year I bought some from QVC and they came in a rather flimsy metal pot. In hindsight, I should have planted in a heavier pot as they wanted to topple over when they started to bloom.
Depending on the variety and bulb size, amaryllis stems can grow anywhere from 12 to 36 inches (30-90 cm) tall. Mine were 24 inches tall not counting the pot. I can’t imagine 36 inch ones! I recently saw a mini version and think I will be getting some of those next year.
Over time you can separate the bulblets from the mother bulb to make more Amaryllis plants. A great way to tell if the mother bulb is producing these bulblets, is you would see separate green shoots coming from the plant. These bulblets are easily removed from the mother bulb, just be careful and get the roots attached as well. You can divide in Oct/Nov before starting to water for the blooming season. Make sure you are careful and take the roots attached to the bulblet as well when repotting.
Amaryllis symbolizes strength, beauty, and pride and is often used as a gift for celebrations or as a decorative centerpiece during the winter season.
As you can see it is super easy to have your Amaryllis bloom year after year!
Amaryllis is an excellent plant to give as a holiday gift. They are super easy for anyone to grow!
If you’re like me and go through gardening “withdrawals” in Winter… Amaryllis is the perfect plant to raise your spirits!
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