Garden this time around seems to be a hit!

Last year, my garden was a failure! Something ate the roots from below and all the stalks of the tomatoes were laying on the ground! This year, I put the garden right next to my patio where my herb garden used to be, so I could keep my eye on it and things seem to be going great…so far!

The tomatoes seem to be going great…

I even planted some of the extras in a planter and they’re doing so great! Could it be the ridiculous amounts of rain we have having lately? I don’t know…but they seem to be going great.

I gave the first zucchini to my grandson as he was helping me pick in the garden, and he is the one who first spotted it. I got another today and hope that is the start of more to come. I see Summer Squash well on their way to getting picked, so I guess they love their new home!

What the heck am I going to do with all this rosemary? Any suggestions?

I planted tomatoes, summer squash, zucchini, cukes, peppers and green beans (which the baby rabbit ate the first go around). I secured the fence so baby rabbit couldn’t get in and there’s been no problems yet. 

I even have plenty of parsley to pick for Summer cooking.

I even have some cucumbers coming in which I have never had luck with before.

I’ve picked a few tomatoes since with loads more getting ready to ripen.

I guess anyone can plant a garden if I am an example. I love growing flowers outdoors but have never really excelled at vegetable garden planting. This year is a winner…so far.

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