French Potato Salad

I love, love French Potato Salad. I don’t make it nearly enough. The tangy lemon garlic dressing loaded with fresh herbs from the garden. What could be better in Summertime?

I’ve made this potato salad with french style green beans if you looking for a variation. I use red potatoes but you can use any type of potato.

Don’t have a shallot? Use scallions, spring onions or even a finely diced white onion. It all depends on what you have, and what you like.

The tasty vinaigrette soaks into the warm potatoes giving you a delicious variation to the typical potato salad.

Try this for your next cookout or even for a Summer supper. You will be so glad you did.

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French Potato Salad

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  • Author: Afoodieaffair


This salad is perfect for Summertime. No worrying about spoiler mayonnaise. Super flavorful.




Drop the white and red potatoes into a large pot of boiling salted water and cook for 20 to 30 minutes, until they are just cooked through. Drain in a colander and place a towel over the potatoes to allow them to steam for 10 more minutes. As soon as you can handle them, cut in 1/2 (quarters if the potatoes are larger) and place in a medium bowl. Toss gently with the wine and chicken stock. Allow the liquids to soak into the warm potatoes before proceeding.

Combine the white wine, lemon juice, zest, vinegar, mustard, salt, pepper and slowly whisk in the olive oil to make an emulsion. Add the vinaigrette to the potatoes. Add the scallions, dill, parsley, basil, 1 1/2 teaspoons salt, and 1/2 teaspoon pepper and toss. Serve warm or at room temperature.


Want to add green beans? Cut the green beans into bite sized pieces and cook before the potatoes about 4 minutes so they are tender crisp. Drain with a slotted spoon. Cook potatoes in the same water.


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