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Tristan’s Garden Salad

My grandson is SIX YEARS OLD! Six Years Old! But yet, he comes to my house ahead of Christmas Eve and immediately gets his stool, his chef’s knife and the veg ready to make his salad!…

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Potato Salad

I feel like I’ve been making potato salad forever! After all, its the one of those basic foods  you think of for summertime entertaining, no matter where you live.…

Italian Pasta Salad

It’s Summer time. Time for making all the salads you can muster up. I thought this Italian Pasta Salad would be perfect to bring on our boat ride.…

Old Fashioned Elbow Macaroni Salad

I remember the good old fashioned elbow macaroni salad we used to make years ago. It used to be on the Prince Elbow Macaroni box. Simple but delicious. I…

Champagne Citrus Vinaigrette

I made this great salad dressing for a Christmas Salad I made recently. Wow! This dressing is light but yet power packed with flavor!…