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Seasonal Gardening

Cocktail Garden

I was browsing around on Michael’s Inspired by Charm blog, and saw this great post on a cocktail garden. What a great idea! Loads of cocktails are made with…

Winter Gardening Blues?

I don’t know about you, but as an avid outside gardener, by January-February I get the Winter blues. I look out at the baron gardens all covered with snow…

When to Divide Perennials?

Everyone who gardens knows that perennials reach a point where they must be divided. Either they have outgrown the space they were put in, or just for their own…

Canna Lilies

Canna lilies are gorgeous all Summer! But what to do with them at the end of the growing season?…

Late Summer Blooms

There are so many plants and bushes in bloom in late Summer its hard to keep track of! I think my most favorite are Hydrangeas.…