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Seasonal Gardening

Bird Feeders and Bird Baths Make Happy Birds

If you’re like me, and things are out of control hectic, you look forward to sitting down and putting your feet up. For me, the bird feeder and bird bath is in clear sight of the couch under my Gazebo. I can spend hours watching the birds.…

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It’s Peony Season!

I used to have a ton of Peony’s. Over the years I don’t know what happened to them. So this year, I bought a bunch of new ones and…

Tomato Tart |

Tomato Cheese Tart

I’ve grown tomatoes many years, but usually just grew them in planters. I never had much luck with them as the animals would get to them, or they’d end…

Clematis – What are the Three groups?

I love Clematis. There is nothing like these gorgeous flowers draping up a trellis or over an archway. They are basically care free, but come in three pruning types.…

Cocktail Garden

I was browsing around on Michael’s Inspired by Charm blog, and saw this great post on a cocktail garden. What a great idea! Loads of cocktails are made with…