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Flowering Bushes

My Wishlist For This Year’s Growing Season

I LOVE gardening…In February, just like clockwork I’m getting antsy for Spring to come. Time to start ordering plants for this year and designing areas to put them in. I started looking through my phone at pictures of plants I have in my garden….hence this post.…

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Late Summer Blooms

There are so many plants and bushes in bloom in late Summer its hard to keep track of! I think my most favorite are Hydrangeas.…

What’s Eating My Hardy Hibiscus?

I planted a row of hardy Hibiscus last year, and they gave me those beautiful “Dinner Plate” sized flowers! The “pool garden” is above a rock wall, so it…

Pink Rose |

So Long Summer!

So Long Summer!!! Well, another Summer’s come and gone. And so is the beauty of the Summers flowers. My roses are blooming their last bloom…… My favorite Coneflowers are…