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Orange Glazed Muffins \

Orange Glazed Muffins

Orange Muffins full of citrus flavor and then glazed with more citrus flavor. Can you get enough? I think not… These are perfect accompaniment for first thing in the…

Glazed Doughnut Muffins

I pinned these great Glazed Doughnut Muffins from Sweet Pea’s Kitchen blog, and never got to make them. Wow! Was I missing out! The taste and texture of these…

Layered Winter Salad |

Layered Winter Salad

I was looking to make a basic salad festive for the holidays and decided to make a layered salad. Of coarse, no salad is complete without home made salad…

Ambrosia Muffins |

Ambrosia Muffins

These Ambrosia Muffins were good. I mean really good! And super moist! I had never heard of Ambrosia Muffins before until I saw them in Taste of the South…

Cranberry Swirl Bundt Cake |

Cranberry Swirl Bundt Cake

I noticed this great Cranberry Swirl Bundt Cake in the All American Cooking Fall Baking issue, and am I glad I did. Although I will tell you, this recipe…

Steamed Sweet Potatoes |

Steamed Sweet Potatoes

I love, love, love, Sweet Potatoes. I especially love the Sweet Potatoes from Outback Steakhouse, and have often wondered how they make them.  Until the other day, when I…