I was a little apprehensive about making a soup that was not made with fresh chicken broth. How flavorful could it be? Turns out…very flavorful.…
This galette is not only easy to make, but really delicious as a side dish or lunch. Sweet sauteed onions blended with potatoes and Gruyere cheese.…
When I say this French Bread is the easiest thing to make….I mean it!…
I have an area of grass I would like to turn into a garden. What is the easiest way to remove all the grass?…
I’m not really a fan of the traditional Southern cornbread that’s rather heavy. I grew up on sweet and cornbread that is more cake like.…
I LOVE gardening…In February, just like clockwork I’m getting antsy for Spring to come. Time to start ordering plants for this year and designing areas to put them in.…