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Container Gardening

Growing Amaryllis

This year as in past years, I got some great Amaryllis bulbs at my garden center. I planted in mid November so they would bloom just in time for Christmas. Like clockwork they were in bloom for Christmas! THE QUESTION IS…NOW WHAT DO I DO WITH THESE AMARYLLIS BULBS??? After the amaryllis finishes blooming: Cut back the flower stalk to about 1-2 inches above the bulb, but leave the foliage…

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Cocktail Garden

I was browsing around on Michael’s Inspired by Charm blog, and saw this great post on a cocktail garden. What a great idea! Loads of cocktails are made with…

Winter Gardening Blues?

I don’t know about you, but as an avid outside gardener, by January-February I get the Winter blues. I look out at the baron gardens all covered with snow…

Dragon Wing Begonias |

Dragon Wing Begonias

It’s that time again! Time to get outdoors, drag out the outdoor furniture… and time for outdoor picnics and parties. It’s also time to get all the planters and…