Late Summer Blooms

There are so many plants and bushes in bloom in late Summer its hard to keep track of! I think my most favorite are Hydrangeas.

They come in all shapes, sizes and colors. The ones above are the Endless Summer variety. The blooms this year are gigantic! I’m not sure if all the rain we have had this year (2021) or what. They are just beautiful! And super easy to care for.

These Pinky Winky Hydrangeas are in full bloom and gorgeous!

These Hibiscus or Rose of Sharon are beautiful this year. I have tall bushes and short bushes. I look forward to their beautiful blooms every year! This one is a beautiful pink color.

This one is a beautiful purple color.

This pure white is so stately!

Here’s another pink version.

My Canna Lillies are in full bloom around the fountain. Did you know you can bring the Canna Lily bulbs in and keep them in a cool basement for the Winter? Come late Spring/Early Summer you can put back out in the garden.

Look how giant this Coleus got! I’m sorry I didn’t take a picture of it when I planted this in the pot!

This Honeysuckle is on its second bloom! Between this and the Cardinal Flower the Hummingbirds sure are busy!

Whatever you plant, late Summer blooms are just the best!

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